Our surgical team is highly experienced with a variety of body contouring procedures, enabling you to show off your ideal silhouette.
Body Procedures Discover the Contours of Your Dreams
Have you been working hard to maintain a strict diet and exercise on the regular, but are still finding that you just can’t get yourself across the finish line, when it comes to enjoying the toned and contoured physique you would prefer? If this sounds like a familiar feeling, you’re absolutely not alone. It’s quite common to find that genetics or a life event have caused you to become interested in body contouring procedures like the ones we offer here at the Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery. Our surgical team is extensively trained and highly experienced, and our offices serve the Washington DC, Richmond, Northern Virginia, and Charlottesville areas. When you’re ready to learn more about what body contouring can do for you, reach out and set up your consultation with a member of our team.