Sculpting Your Perfect Abdomen

This procedure is designed to sculpt the abdomen by eliminating stubborn fat deposits and tightening the abdominal muscles, ultimately leading to a more toned and contoured midsection. By choosing this procedure, you can address both excess fat and sagging skin in one streamlined operation, resulting in a flatter, smoother abdomen.

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Revolutionizing Body Contouring And Tummy Tuck Results

In the hands of a skilled surgeon, lipoabdominoplasty can provide a natural-looking enhancement, avoiding an overdone appearance while promoting a harmonious balance with your overall figure. As board-certified experts in this area, Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin have performed hundreds of liposuction procedures and provided the gold standard of care with the latest technology in the field. They genuinely believe in the restorative abilities of lipoabdominoplasty, earning them a reputation for outstanding results and high patient satisfaction in Northern Virginia with both local and out-of-town patients.

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What Is Lipoabdominoplasty?

Lipoabdominoplasty is a sophisticated surgical procedure designed to sculpt your abdominal area. It effectively combines liposuction with abdominoplasty for optimal body contouring, refining the shape of your abdomen by removing excess fat and skin while tightening muscles. Lipoabdominoplasty is more comprehensive than conventional abdominoplasty as it includes liposuction to remove fatty deposits from the abdomen, the waist, and surrounding areas.

It’s Just A LITTLE Lipo!

Our LITTLE Lipo procedure in Northern Virginia sets us apart from other practitioners, utilizing miniaturized instruments and a highly advanced vibrational technique, making it the perfect treatment for patients looking to slim down in certain areas, reducing up to 80% of excess fat in just one session, and significantly reducing your postoperative recovery period.

LITTLE Lipo is one of the most popular procedures performed at the Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery by Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin to remove fat cells delicately with minimal recovery. A perfect treatment for patients who want to slim down in certain areas, this advanced technique can reduce up to 80% of excess fat in just one session.

Lipoabdominoplasty Benefits

  • Enhanced Contour and Shape: This procedure allows for a more refined body shape by removing excess fat and skin, which diet and exercise alone often fail to achieve. You'll notice a firmer and smoother abdomen post-surgery.
  • Reduced Scarring: Compared to traditional a tummy tuck, lipoabdominoplasty typically results in reduced scarring due to the nature of the combined techniques used.
  • Improved Core Stability: By tightening the abdominal muscles, you may experience improved core strength and stability, which benefits your overall posture and physical performance.
  • Lower Risk of Complications: When combined with liposuction, the risk of seroma formation (fluid accumulation) can be lessened, resulting in a potentially safer recovery process.
  • Customizable: The procedure is tailored to your unique body shape, ensuring the cosmetic outcomes align with your aesthetic goals.
  • Potential Weight Loss: While not a weight-loss surgery, removing excess fat and tissue may result in a modest weight reduction.
  • Quick Recovery Time: Many of Drs. Sundin’s patients report a quicker recovery period with this surgery than traditional abdominoplasty, leading to a faster return to daily activities.
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Am I A Good Candidate For Lipoabdominoplasty?

Lipoabdominoplasty might be an option for you if you want to improve the contour and shape of your abdomen. However, this complex surgery is not suitable for everyone.

Key factors to consider include:

Overall Health

You should be in good physical health without chronic medical conditions that impair healing or increase surgery risk.

Weight Stability

Ideal candidates maintain a stable weight close to their desired goal, as significant weight fluctuations could alter the results.


Smoking can hinder the healing process; thus, nonsmokers are preferable candidates.

Realistic Expectations

Understanding the achievable results helps ensure post-operative satisfaction.

A detailed consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeons is essential to confirm if you are an ideal candidate. Drs. Sundin will assess your health history, current physical condition, and aesthetic goals to ensure lipoabdominoplasty is a safe and effective option for you.

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Lipoabdominoplasty Procedure And Recovery

In Richmond, we've developed an innovative procedure called LITTLE Lipoabdominoplasty that can transform your body without general anesthesia. To ensure comfort and safety, we offer various sedation and anesthesia options, including conscious sedation, awake local anesthesia, and general anesthesia.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Most patients can undergo LITTLE Lipoabdominoplasty as an outpatient procedure, allowing them to return home the same day and return to work after a long weekend with minimal recovery time. This minimally invasive procedure involves tiny incisions and small instruments, resulting in about 48-72 hours of recovery.
  • LITTLE Lipoabdominoplasty targets problem areas using only local tumescent anesthetic and anti-anxiety medication, allowing you to be awake and comfortable throughout the procedure. The treatment is performed by board-certified plastic surgeons at the Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery, ensuring expertise and personalized care.
  • LITTLE Lipoabdominoplasty can be combined with other body contouring techniques and offers a more comfortable experience with a shorter recovery period than traditional liposuction. Drs. Burton and Reps Sundin specialize in this procedure, prioritizing safety and effectiveness.

The procedure involves light oral sedation and the use of a local tumescent anesthetic to numb the area and make fat removal easier. A thin, hollow tube called a cannula breaks up and removes fat cells, with external radiofrequency treatments employed to reduce swelling and tighten the skin for optimal results.

Burton M. Sundin, MD

Reps B. Sundin, MD

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Why Choose Drs. Burton & Reps Sundin For Lipoabdominoplasty In Richmond?

If you lead a busy lifestyle and want to enhance the function and appearance of your abdomen without a lengthy recovery, you may want to consider LITTLE Lipoabdominoplasty in Richmond. Developed in our offices, this treatment is designed for individuals seeking improved aesthetics without undergoing a significant procedure. Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin, both board-certified plastic surgeons with extensive experience, are dedicated to using advanced techniques and prioritizing open communication and patient-centered care to deliver exceptional results.

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