If overly large breasts are causing you cosmetic issues or physical discomfort, a breast reduction in Richmond with Dr. Burton or Dr. Reps Sundin can help you enjoy your ideal figure.
Cosmetic surgeons have developed an amazing breast reduction technique that alleviates many of the physical issues associated with overly large breasts by removing excess fat, skin, and tissues. This results in breasts that are smaller, firmer, and ultimately lighter.
You’ll enjoy breasts that are proportionate to your body type and scale, making this a great way to address both the physical and cosmetic concerns that can come along with breasts that are too large for your frame.
Not only can a breast reduction help you by relieving discomfort and pain that can come as a result of issues like back problems and skin chafing, but the breast reduction is also a great way to better fit into your preferred outfits, thanks to a more proportionate frame.