The brow lift is a great way to rejuvenate your facial appearance, addressing the presence of sagging or drooping skin above your eyebrows.
Brow Lift Banish Those Worry Lines for Good
A wrinkled forehead, creases, and worry lines are frequently counted among the most tell-tale sign of aging, in addition to the deep troughs that can sometimes form between the eyes and the bridge of the nose. If you’re worried that these issues are making you look much older than you actually feel, you’re not alone…and the talented surgical team at the Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery can help, with a brow lift in Northern Virginia. This surgery can smooth out those unsightly furrows, leaving your brow with a smooth, unblemished appearance that will make you look and feel youthful and rejuvenated. Interested in learning more? Reach out and speak with a member of our team today. Our offices serve the Richmond, Northern Virginia, Charlottesville, and Washington DC areas, and we’re excited to hear from you when you’re ready to set up your initial consultation.

Rest and Recovery After Your Brow Lift
It is important to keep your head elevated for several days following your surgery, and to get plenty of rest. After 10 to 14 days, the sutures will be removed and you can expect to return to your normal daily activities soon thereafter. We’ll ensure that you have everything you need to stay comfortable during your healing process, and will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions, as well. We’ll also schedule follow-up appointments so that we can monitor your healing progress.
Any lingering bruising or swelling can be concealed with camouflaging makeup as you return to work, and these effects will diminish as healing continues to progress over the next several weeks.
Burton M. Sundin, MD
Reps B. Sundin, MD
Why choose Dr. Sundin?
For patients looking to revitalize their look in the Greater Richmond Region, Dr. Burton M. Sundin is a top choice. A leading expert at the Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery, he uses his wealth of experience to perform brow lift surgery with fantastic results, rejuvenating your appearance and instilling you with youthful vitality. His dedication to patient satisfaction combined with state-of-the-art techniques ensures a remarkable transformation that is in line with your aesthetic ideals. Choosing Dr. Sundin ensures a personalized and successful journey to renewed self-assurance. Reach out to our office today to set up a private consultation and learn more about your treatment options.