This new, minimally-invasive facelift delivers dramatic facial rejuvenation by lifting and securing the underlying tissues of the skin and improving facial volume from the inside!
The Non-surgical Facelift Just Got A Lift With Silhouette Instalift™
Some of the changes that come with aging are as expected as they are unwanted: lines, wrinkles, and folds near the eyes, nose, and mouth for instance. Yet sadly for most of us, the changes in our appearance go far beyond the expected lines and wrinkles: the loss of elastin and collagen in our skin can lead to skin that sags and hangs and facial contours that no longer look as fresh and young as they once did. Despite amazing advances in non-invasive facial rejuvenation techniques, the most powerful corrective procedure to address these common concerns is a surgical facelift. Yet a surgical facelift is not the right answer for every patient: some may not feel they are ready for that level of rejuvenation, while others may not be interested in the expense and/or the downtime required by a facelift.*

The Minimally-invasive Silhouette Instalift™ Procedure
The non-surgical, minimally-invasive Silhouette InstaLift™ is performed in our comfortable offices in either of our Richmond or Vienna locations. The procedure generally takes between 30 and 45 minutes and does not require general anesthesia. The face will first be numbed with a local anesthesia, then the proprietary Silhouette Instalift™ threaded cones will be carefully and precisely placed into the facial tissues with a very small needle.